Friday, July 3, 2009


First of all, yosh is kind of an exclamation of, yeah! Meaning, yeah! I'm finally here!! It's been a very long day, starting 6am July 2nd US time and ending 7pm July 3rd Tokyo time (aka 6am July 3rd US). It's a little confusing. So I headed out with my parents for JFK way earlier than necessary in case of traffic, we chilled, we ate, I made it through security. 45 minutes later I was sitting in the window seat that I would spend the next 14 hours wasting away in.

Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They had mad media going on. Each seat had a TV with a touch screen. You could watch select movies, episodes of TV shows, play games, listen to some music (they had Tonight Franz Ferdinand!) and even track the planes course on a simple GPS like map. That's how I know that I was watching Watchmen (lol) while flying over Alaska. Yes, Alaska.

I won't bore you with the tedium's of my flight, but once I saw Japanese soil I almost teared up a little. It's truly a dream come true, and I'm extremely glad I didn't chicken out like I wanted to so many times. OK, my thoughts...

Driving on the left side is weird, the plants here are different which always throws me through a loop, I saw some construction advertising that featured what looked like pac man crossing a rainbow bridge from one airport terminal to another, and a panda was there, I got nervous when I had to cough coming through customs because I thought they'd think I'm diseased and to turn on the lights in my hotel room you have to put your key in a little slot and they turn on and off that way. Great energy saving Hilton Narita!

So yeah, that's it for now. I'm going to call my host family to tell them I'm in Japan safe, and seek out sweet sweet sustenance. Sayonara!


  1. Hahaha! That sign is hillarious... Beats our signs hands down, what a glorious place...
